Your dog scored Sofa Spud.

Sofa Spuds are confident and low energy. These characteristics make for a very self-assured and confident companion. They can come across as stubborn.

Sofa Spud dogs are often friendly with other dogs and people, but they are not afraid to set some boundaries. You’ll enjoy the easy-going nature of your Sofa Spud dog and its stoic persona.

Sofa Spuds probably won’t initiate exercise, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t needed. Be sure to plan walks and exercise accordingly. Sofa Spuds tend to be food hounds.


When training your Sofa Spud, do:

  • Set appropriate boundaries
  • Provide daily walks and exploration
  • Find what motivates them
  • Be sure to give positive reinforcements to behaviors you approve of.
  • Encourage Encourage Encourage!


When training your Sofa Spud, don’t:

  • Get angry, frustrated, or anxious about lack of willingness
  • Force or push
  • Become inactive
  • Reinforce unwanted behaviors
  • Overfeed


Sofa Spuds are confident and low key. Sometimes they seem stubborn, but mostly unmotivated. You have to show them what’s in it for them. Find what they love and give them encouragement. Provide ample time for work and exploration. Be your dog’s best friend and teacher, and you’ll lave a loyal companion for life.

Learn more about our in-depth reports containing detailed training guidelines and recommendations for keeping your dog stress-free, happy, and balanced.

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