Your dog scored Social Butterfly (LBE).

As a LBE, your dog will be expressive and bold.

LBE’s have big personalities and a strong presence. They tend to be dominate when around other dogs, and sometimes with people. They are playful and active and have lots of strong energy.

LBE dogs, such as yours, can be possessive and may move right into another dog’s space and bark loudly at any animal or person that they feel is a threat. They don’t back down easily. Once loyal to you, they’ll stick with you.

LBE dogs not only seek exercise, they need it. Otherwise, they get wound up with excess energy. Plan lots of activities that involve work and movement.


When training your LBE, do:

  • be an active leader
  • provide a wide variety of games
  • build work projects into activity
  • move, move, move – exercise is key


When training your LBE, don’t:

  • give up your role as leader
  • forget to work in daily exercise
  • hold back on affection
  • allow excessive barking


LBE dogs like yours are friendly and high energy. They take the leadership role when around other dogs and even people. Learn to manage your LBE’s high energy and strong behaviors. You’ll have an active, true friend for life.

Learn more about our indepth reports containing detailed training guidelines and recommendations for keeping your dog stressfree and happy.

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